A Nature Spa Sanctuary
Located at La Piccola Villa
Your Place For
Tranquility and Care
Greater Atlanta
Holistic Anti-Aging Esthetic Services
By Marlene Webb, LE
Facial Massage & Botanical Skin Care Specialist
Revitalize Your Complexion With Gua Sha Treatments
Featuring My Artistry Lift & Sculpt Facial Contouring
For Ageless Beauty
Select Your Signature Spa Experience Here
Vibrant: “full of life and vitality.”
Glow: “a heightened radiant bloom in a person’s complexion as a result of good health.”
Holistic Services That Promote Authentic, Esthetic Enhancement
Why Is Healthy Skin A Must For Vibrant Health?
The skin is more than just your body's external decoration. With a preoccupation of its external appearance, the skin's vital functions are often overlooked. Your skin reflects your internal health. As the first line of defense, your skin serves the body’s primary immunological network that guards you from external invasion.
Since 1993
Holistic Skin Care is our Mantra
That's right, toxic ingredients produce cumulative effects. Ever consider how the residue of stored toxic contaminates in your personal “body burden” may affect your health?
Another concern is the increasing scientific evidence that many of today’s skin care products and “beauty treatments” may actually exacerbate the conditions they’re designed to treat. The ingredients in many popular products, and the manner in which common cosmetic procedures are performed, result in the phenomenon called “inflammaging,” which directly links ongoing tissue inflammation to skin damage and premature aging.
Set Up Appointment
Remember: If your skin is not functioning properly, your overall well-being will be greatly compromised. Make your appointment today. I put the "care" back in skin care!
Call 404.358.0616
Email: service@vibrant-glow.com
4833 Carlene Way, Ste. B
Lilburn, GA 30047-4705
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Vibrant Glow Facial Salon
Georgia State Professional Salon License #: COSA066630
Georgia State Cosmetology License #: ES006036